Industry Insights

Stop Wasting Talent: Optimize Performance and Employee Satisfaction with AI

May 7, 2024 | Talent Analytics

AI vs People Analytics EDLIGO

In the fiercely competitive landscape of today’s job market, companies grapple with the daunting task of finding and retaining top talent. A recent study by McKinsey & Company found that 87% of businesses globally reported difficulty filling open positions in 2023. This talent shortage translates into lost productivity, delayed projects, and a significant strain on existing employees.

The War for Talent: A Shrinking Pool and Rising Expectations

The global talent pool is indeed shrinking. Demographic shifts, coupled with an increasing demand for specialized skills, have created a situation where qualified candidates are in high demand. This talent shortage is particularly acute in certain sectors.  

The tech industry, for instance, is constantly on the lookout for skilled software engineers, data scientists, and cybersecurity professionals. Based on World Economic Forum research, four million professionals are urgently needed to plug the talent gap in the global cybersecurity industry.  

Another example, the healthcare industry faces a growing shortage of nurses, doctors, and other medical professionals. According to the research by EY in the USA, there’s an expected shortage of 124,000 physicians by 2034. In Germany, a staggering 300,000 nurses are anticipated to be in shortfall by 2033.  

How to attract, develop, and retain the top talent? It is not as easy as it seems. 

Beyond the sheer scarcity of qualified candidates, the expectations of today’s workforce have also evolved. Millennials and Gen Z prioritize work-life balance, meaningful work, and a culture of inclusion and diversity. A 2023 study by Deloitte revealed that 74% of Gen Z respondents would consider leaving a job that doesn’t align with their values. This shift in employee expectations presents a significant challenge for companies with outdated recruitment practices and inflexible work environments. 

The High Cost of Disengagement: A Drain on Business Performance

Fostering a positive and engaging work environment is crucial for employee well-being, innovation, and ultimately, a company’s bottom line. However, a much larger portion of the workforce feels disengaged and uninspired by their work.  A Gallup report revealed that a concerning 69% of the American workforce is not engaged. This vast majority of uninspired employees represent a significant hidden cost for businesses. 

The financial implications of employee disengagement are substantial. The report by Gallup estimated that disengagement, including both actively disengaged and not engaged employees, costs the US economy a staggering $7.8 trillion annually in lost productivity. This staggering number underscores the importance of creating a work environment that fosters employee engagement and well-being. 

So, how can HR professionals navigate these challenges? The answer lies in leveraging the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to build robust talent pipelines while simultaneously cultivating a safe and supportive work environment for all employees.

The Role of AI in Building a Better Future for HR

In the face of these challenges, HR professionals have a powerful tool at their disposal: AI.  AI can revolutionize both talent management and workplace culture, empowering HR to build a thriving workforce. Additionally, EDLIGO’s Talent Analytics, coupled with AI-powered insights from Luminoso, can empower HR to: 

  • Unlock Hidden Potential 

Many companies overlook the wealth of talent they already possess.  Internal talent marketplace platform allows employees to showcase their skills and career aspirations.  This fosters a culture of mobility and growth within the organization.  By leveraging AI, the platform can analyze an employee’s work history, performance data, and self-reported skills to identify individuals who may be well-suited for open positions.  This empowers HR to promote from within, saving time and resources associated with external recruitment. 

  • Identify Top Performers Early On 

Identifying high-potential employees early in their careers is crucial for succession planning and long-term business growth.  Talent Analytics can analyze performance data, skills assessments, and past project contributions to identify employees who consistently deliver exceptional results.  When combined with AI-powered sentiment analysis of employee communications, HR can gain a deeper understanding of an employee’s career aspirations and motivations.  This allows HR to create targeted development plans and connect high-potential employees with opportunities for advancement. 

  • Improve Employee Experience 

The traditional, one-size-fits-all approach to employee development is no longer sufficient in today’s dynamic work environment.  Disengaged employees are a hidden cost for businesses, leading to decreased productivity, innovation, and ultimately, a decline in the bottom line. 

AI and Analytics empower HR to move beyond generic training programs and invest in employee development strategies that are targeted and impactful.  By leveraging data collected through the platform, HR can make informed decisions that enhance the overall employee experience and foster a thriving workforce. 

The internal talent marketplace acts as a treasure trove of valuable employee data.  This data includes: 

  • Skills and Experience: Employees can showcase their skillsets and past accomplishments, providing HR with a clear picture of the organization’s internal talent pool. 
  • Career Aspirations: The platform allows employees to express their desired career paths and development goals. 
  • Engagement Levels: Through analysis of internal communication patterns HR can gain insights into employee sentiment and overall engagement levels. 

AI can also be a powerful tool for fostering a safe and inclusive work environment by analyzing employee sentiment, identifying potential areas of dissatisfaction or low morale. This allows HR to proactively address employee concerns and create a more positive work environment. 

It’s important to remember that AI is a tool, not a silver bullet. While AI can provide valuable insights and automate certain tasks, the human touch remains crucial in HR.  HR professionals need to interpret AI-generated data, conduct in-depth interviews, and assess a candidate’s cultural fit through human interaction. 


To learn more about the innovative use of AI, Analytics and Sentiment Analyzes in HR, join us for a Free Webinar! 

How To Create Safe Cultures for Employees and Identify Talent

Our HR experts, Reimund Nienaber from EDLIGO and Kim Larson from Luminoso, will provide actionable insights on how AI can revolutionize your talent management practices and foster a safe, inclusive work environment. 

In this webinar, you will learn: 

  • How to streamline the process of identifying and recruiting top talent, reducing time-to-hire and improving match quality. 
  • Training Techniques that adapt to individual learning styles and pace, enhancing employee engagement and knowledge retention. 
  • Understand the role of AI in monitoring and maintaining ethical standards and safety in the workplace, ensuring a supportive environment for all employees. 
  • Maintaining Employee and Employer Satisfaction 

Who Should Attend: HR professionals, team leaders, and business executives looking to enhance their organizational culture and talent management practices through advanced AI solutions. 


Click Here to Register for the Webinar: the LINK to the Webinar 

Limited Spots Available! 

Luminoso And EDLIGO Webinar

Luminoso Technologies, with over a decade of expertise in AI-powered text analytics, transforms complex text data into actionable insights. Originating from the MIT Media Lab, Luminoso is dedicated to enhancing and fast-tracking decision-making by deciphering customer and employee sentiments.

Luminoso Technologies, with over a decade of expertise in AI-powered text analytics, transforms complex text data into actionable insights. Originating from the MIT Media Lab, Luminoso is dedicated to enhancing and fast-tracking decision-making by deciphering customer and employee sentiments.

On the other front, EDLIGO GmbH, a leader in AI-powered Talent Analytics, provides a comprehensive solution for data-driven talent management, recognized globally for innovation and impact. With a strong track record, EDLIGO empowers organizations in over twenty countries with a platform serving more than 2 million users and backed by 17 patents. In 2023, EDLIGO was acknowledged as one of Germany’s top three most innovative mid-sized software companies.


The collaborative force of EDLIGO’s advanced Talent Analytics and Luminoso’s natural language understanding expertise captures the workforce’s pulse, propelling talent management to new heights through the synergy of data analytics and sentiment insights.

Contact us to discover more about how this collaboration works!

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