Analytics for Impactful Healthcare Talent Strategies


Attract, develop and retain top talent to combat the high rate of hospital staff turnover


Get your internationally trained healthcare professionals up-to-speed


Boost healthcare service efficiency by strategically reskilling and redeploying talent

EDLIGO Talent Analytics for Healthcare
EDLIGO Talent Management Analytics solution

Upskill, Reskill and Redeploy Your Talent

Address healthcare skills shortages effectively by identifying and bridging skills gaps, ensuring your workforce meets new requirements and is optimally redeployed

EDLIGO Talent Analytics solution

Reduce Healthcare Staff Turnover

Address hospital staff turnover with personalized career and development plans, uncover departure causes, predict attrition, and boost employee experience

EDLIGO HR Analytics solution

Optimize International Workforce

Enable your internationally trained healthcare professionals to reach peak efficiency quickly with skills assessment, streamlined onboarding, and targeted training programs


Optimize Talent Management for Effective Patient Care

How can we overcome staffing inefficiencies and productivity loss?

EDLIGO optimizes your workforce with comprehensive insights into competencies and skills gaps, offering tailored reskilling, succession, and rotation strategies based on robust skills data

How can we offer targeted upskilling plans to get ready for digitization?

EDLIGO enhances healthcare digitization through targeted reskilling and upskilling, aligning workforce talents with regulatory needs and personalized learning paths

How can hospitals reduce employee attrition and increase engagement?

EDLIGO reduces staff turnover by predicting attrition, understanding departure reasons, and offering tailored career plans, ensuring a stable, engaged workforce


EDLIGO Healthcare Talent Experience

EDLIGO Healthcare Talent Experience
1. Create a clear map of people and their skills

EDLIGO Talent Analytics maps current workforce skills to future needs, identifying gaps for focused development, ensuring healthcare professionals are prepared for evolving challenges

2. Offer customized learning and development plans

With EDLIGO you can generate a clear overviews of employees’ skills and knowledge gaps based on roles and offer customized learning plans to prepare healthcare professionals for evolving challenges

3. Enhance employee engagement and experience

EDLIGO assists in improving employee satisfaction by aligning career aspirations with clear paths and development opportunities, and enhancing the overall employee experience

4. Predict attrition and forecast workforce needs

AI-powered Talent Analytics helps analyze attrition data and predict potential employee departures,  manage retirements and skill transitions, establish a talent pool preparing your care organization for future skill needs

5. Optimize healthcare staffing models

EDLIGO helps strategically position employees for organizational efficiency, addressing competency gaps and combating productivity losses from staff shortages


Increase in Utilization Rate

Up to


Increase in Utilization of Training Resources

Up to


Decrease in Attrition Rates

Up to

Talent Efficiency and Excellence in Healthcare

Elevate healthcare talent management with AI-driven Talent Analytics, fostering employee development, satisfaction, and retention for superior efficiency and excellence in patient care



Healthcare Operational Efficiency through Effective Talent Management

Elevate your healthcare organization’s performance with this FREE Guide on operational efficiency through effective talent management, gain insights on how to optimize processes for excellence in healthcare

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