General Motors’ Innovative EV Training Initiative

General Motors’ Innovative EV Training Initiative

As part of its ambitious goal to launch 30 new electric vehicles by 2025 and achieve zero tailpipe emissions by 2035, General Motors (GM) is pioneering a groundbreaking employee training program through the GM Automotive Manufacturing Electric College (AMEC).

Key Highlights of the Initiative:

🎓 AMEC Program: AMEC is designed to equip GM employees, including both new hires and veteran workers, with the essential skills needed to build and maintain the latest electric vehicles (EVs). Students attend classes as their primary job, focusing on gaining technical expertise in EV production.

💡 Genesis of AMEC: The idea for AMEC was championed by Jason Garrison, a GM global technical integration engineer, after identifying the need for improved employee training following a significant recall of GMC Sierra and Chevy Silverado pickups due to electrical issues. Garrison’s proactive approach led to the creation of this specialized training program.

🏭 Strategic Training for Future Growth: Although costly, the investment in AMEC is seen as crucial for long-term benefits. By training employees in advanced EV technologies and complex electrical systems, GM aims to reduce warranty costs and retain skilled talent.

🌱 Expanding Workforce Skills: In addition to EV training, AMEC also provides education on internal combustion engine electrical systems, ensuring a versatile and future-ready workforce.

🚀 Future Prospects: Graduates from AMEC will be pivotal in GM’s EV production, working at key manufacturing facilities like Spring Hill Assembly in Tennessee (home to the new Cadillac Lyriq) and Factory ZERO in Detroit (set to build the GMC Hummer EV).

This initiative underscores GM’s commitment to innovation and sustainability, setting a precedent for the automotive industry.

In this context, EDLIGO could significantly benefit car manufacturers like GM in their efforts to train and retain their workforce. Specializing in Talent Management, EDLIGO offers advanced AI-Driven solutions to assess skills, monitor development, and align training with organizational goals. With the help of EDLIGO, car manufacturers can enhance their training programs, ensuring employees acquire and maintain the cutting-edge skills necessary for EV production. Furthermore, EDLIGO’s expertise in creating a positive and supportive work environment can help reduce turnover, retain top talent, and ultimately drive long-term success in the competitive automotive industry.

By integrating EDLIGO’s talent management solutions, car manufacturers can not only streamline their training initiatives but also build a skilled and motivated workforce capable of leading the charge toward a sustainable and innovative future in the automotive sector.

Stop Wasting Talent: Optimize Performance and Employee Satisfaction with AI

Stop Wasting Talent: Optimize Performance and Employee Satisfaction with AI

In the fiercely competitive landscape of today’s job market, companies grapple with the daunting task of finding and retaining top talent. A recent study by McKinsey & Company found that 87% of businesses globally reported difficulty filling open positions in 2023. This talent shortage translates into lost productivity, delayed projects, and a significant strain on existing employees.

The War for Talent: A Shrinking Pool and Rising Expectations

The global talent pool is indeed shrinking. Demographic shifts, coupled with an increasing demand for specialized skills, have created a situation where qualified candidates are in high demand. This talent shortage is particularly acute in certain sectors.  

The tech industry, for instance, is constantly on the lookout for skilled software engineers, data scientists, and cybersecurity professionals. Based on World Economic Forum research, four million professionals are urgently needed to plug the talent gap in the global cybersecurity industry.  

Another example, the healthcare industry faces a growing shortage of nurses, doctors, and other medical professionals. According to the research by EY in the USA, there’s an expected shortage of 124,000 physicians by 2034. In Germany, a staggering 300,000 nurses are anticipated to be in shortfall by 2033.  

How to attract, develop, and retain the top talent? It is not as easy as it seems. 

Beyond the sheer scarcity of qualified candidates, the expectations of today’s workforce have also evolved. Millennials and Gen Z prioritize work-life balance, meaningful work, and a culture of inclusion and diversity. A 2023 study by Deloitte revealed that 74% of Gen Z respondents would consider leaving a job that doesn’t align with their values. This shift in employee expectations presents a significant challenge for companies with outdated recruitment practices and inflexible work environments. 

The High Cost of Disengagement: A Drain on Business Performance

Fostering a positive and engaging work environment is crucial for employee well-being, innovation, and ultimately, a company’s bottom line. However, a much larger portion of the workforce feels disengaged and uninspired by their work.  A Gallup report revealed that a concerning 69% of the American workforce is not engaged. This vast majority of uninspired employees represent a significant hidden cost for businesses. 

The financial implications of employee disengagement are substantial. The report by Gallup estimated that disengagement, including both actively disengaged and not engaged employees, costs the US economy a staggering $7.8 trillion annually in lost productivity. This staggering number underscores the importance of creating a work environment that fosters employee engagement and well-being. 

So, how can HR professionals navigate these challenges? The answer lies in leveraging the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to build robust talent pipelines while simultaneously cultivating a safe and supportive work environment for all employees.

The Role of AI in Building a Better Future for HR

In the face of these challenges, HR professionals have a powerful tool at their disposal: AI.  AI can revolutionize both talent management and workplace culture, empowering HR to build a thriving workforce. Additionally, EDLIGO’s Talent Analytics, coupled with AI-powered insights from Luminoso, can empower HR to: 

  • Unlock Hidden Potential 

Many companies overlook the wealth of talent they already possess.  Internal talent marketplace platform allows employees to showcase their skills and career aspirations.  This fosters a culture of mobility and growth within the organization.  By leveraging AI, the platform can analyze an employee’s work history, performance data, and self-reported skills to identify individuals who may be well-suited for open positions.  This empowers HR to promote from within, saving time and resources associated with external recruitment. 

  • Identify Top Performers Early On 

Identifying high-potential employees early in their careers is crucial for succession planning and long-term business growth.  Talent Analytics can analyze performance data, skills assessments, and past project contributions to identify employees who consistently deliver exceptional results.  When combined with AI-powered sentiment analysis of employee communications, HR can gain a deeper understanding of an employee’s career aspirations and motivations.  This allows HR to create targeted development plans and connect high-potential employees with opportunities for advancement. 

  • Improve Employee Experience 

The traditional, one-size-fits-all approach to employee development is no longer sufficient in today’s dynamic work environment.  Disengaged employees are a hidden cost for businesses, leading to decreased productivity, innovation, and ultimately, a decline in the bottom line. 

AI and Analytics empower HR to move beyond generic training programs and invest in employee development strategies that are targeted and impactful.  By leveraging data collected through the platform, HR can make informed decisions that enhance the overall employee experience and foster a thriving workforce. 

The internal talent marketplace acts as a treasure trove of valuable employee data.  This data includes: 

  • Skills and Experience: Employees can showcase their skillsets and past accomplishments, providing HR with a clear picture of the organization’s internal talent pool. 
  • Career Aspirations: The platform allows employees to express their desired career paths and development goals. 
  • Engagement Levels: Through analysis of internal communication patterns HR can gain insights into employee sentiment and overall engagement levels. 

AI can also be a powerful tool for fostering a safe and inclusive work environment by analyzing employee sentiment, identifying potential areas of dissatisfaction or low morale. This allows HR to proactively address employee concerns and create a more positive work environment. 

It’s important to remember that AI is a tool, not a silver bullet. While AI can provide valuable insights and automate certain tasks, the human touch remains crucial in HR.  HR professionals need to interpret AI-generated data, conduct in-depth interviews, and assess a candidate’s cultural fit through human interaction. 


To learn more about the innovative use of AI, Analytics and Sentiment Analyzes in HR, join us for a Free Webinar! 

How To Create Safe Cultures for Employees and Identify Talent

Our HR experts, Reimund Nienaber from EDLIGO and Kim Larson from Luminoso, will provide actionable insights on how AI can revolutionize your talent management practices and foster a safe, inclusive work environment. 

In this webinar, you will learn: 

  • How to streamline the process of identifying and recruiting top talent, reducing time-to-hire and improving match quality. 
  • Training Techniques that adapt to individual learning styles and pace, enhancing employee engagement and knowledge retention. 
  • Understand the role of AI in monitoring and maintaining ethical standards and safety in the workplace, ensuring a supportive environment for all employees. 
  • Maintaining Employee and Employer Satisfaction 

Who Should Attend: HR professionals, team leaders, and business executives looking to enhance their organizational culture and talent management practices through advanced AI solutions. 


Click Here to Register for the Webinar: the LINK to the Webinar 

Limited Spots Available! 

Luminoso And EDLIGO Webinar

Luminoso Technologies, with over a decade of expertise in AI-powered text analytics, transforms complex text data into actionable insights. Originating from the MIT Media Lab, Luminoso is dedicated to enhancing and fast-tracking decision-making by deciphering customer and employee sentiments.

Luminoso Technologies, with over a decade of expertise in AI-powered text analytics, transforms complex text data into actionable insights. Originating from the MIT Media Lab, Luminoso is dedicated to enhancing and fast-tracking decision-making by deciphering customer and employee sentiments.

On the other front, EDLIGO GmbH, a leader in AI-powered Talent Analytics, provides a comprehensive solution for data-driven talent management, recognized globally for innovation and impact. With a strong track record, EDLIGO empowers organizations in over twenty countries with a platform serving more than 2 million users and backed by 17 patents. In 2023, EDLIGO was acknowledged as one of Germany’s top three most innovative mid-sized software companies.


The collaborative force of EDLIGO’s advanced Talent Analytics and Luminoso’s natural language understanding expertise captures the workforce’s pulse, propelling talent management to new heights through the synergy of data analytics and sentiment insights.

Contact us to discover more about how this collaboration works!

EDLIGO Talent Analytics Recognized as 2024 HR Tech Award Winner for Best Analytics, Measurement, and Business Impact Solution

EDLIGO Talent Analytics Recognized as 2024 HR Tech Award Winner for Best Analytics, Measurement, and Business Impact Solution

Germany, 2024.05.07 – EDLIGO is proud to announce that its Talent Analytics platform was named a 2024 HR Tech Award winner in the category of Best Analytics, Measurement, and Business Impact Solution. The prestigious award recognizes EDLIGO’s commitment to providing innovative solutions that empower organizations to measure and improve outcomes effectively.

The HR Tech Awards, organized by Lighthouse Research & Advisory, celebrate excellence in HR technology and highlight solutions that drive measurable business impact. EDLIGO Talent Analytics stood out among competitors for its comprehensive suite of features, including deep skills insight, effective use of AI, data visualization, , KPIs, metrics, and other related technologies.

We are thrilled to be recognized as a 2024 HR Tech Award winner for our Talent Analytics platform,” said Dr. Lassaad Essafi, CEO at EDLIGO. This award is a testament to our dedication to providing cutting-edge solutions that enable our clients to make informed decisions, drive organizational success, and achieve their business goals.

The EDLIGO Talent Analytics platform empowers organizations to gain deep insights into employee skills, performance metrics, workforce strategy, and prepare the organization for future success far beyond simply measuring skills and visualizing HR data. By leveraging advanced analytics, AI, and data visualization tools, EDLIGO helps clients unlock the full potential of their workforce and drive meaningful business outcomes.

For more information about EDLIGO and its award-winning Talent Analytics platform, please visit

Lighthouse research shows that employers today are more data-rich yet insight-poor than ever before. They need decision support tools, and EDLIGO Talent Analytics is giving that kind of insight into millions of employees for its clients, helping them understand employee skills, performance details, workforce strategy, and more. – Ben Eubanks, Chief Research Officer, Lighthouse Research & Advisory

About Lighthouse Research & Advisory

Lighthouse Research & Advisory is a renowned institution committed to advancing HR technology and fostering collaboration among HR professionals, thought leaders, and solution providers. The HR Tech Awards recognize and celebrate the most groundbreaking and impactful companies in the HR technology industry, highlighting their contributions to driving innovation and shaping the future of talent management.


EDLIGO is a leading provider of AI-powered Talent Analytics solutions. With a focus on driving innovation in talent management, EDLIGO empowers organizations with data-driven insights to optimize talent decisions. Its comprehensive suite of solutions includes Talent Analytics and Learning Analytics, enabling companies to make informed choices, identify top talent, and enhance workforce planning. With a strong track record of success and a global presence, EDLIGO is dedicated to transforming talent management through cutting-edge technology.

Strategic Employee Management: Integrating Sentiment and Skills Analysis for Maximum Impact

Strategic Employee Management: Integrating Sentiment and Skills Analysis for Maximum Impact

In the dynamic realm of modern workplaces, the heartbeat of any organization resonates within its workforce. However, an alarming statistic reveals that a significant 70% of employees feel unheard at work, leading to repercussions such as diminished morale, elevated turnover rates, and untapped potential (Source: SHRM). This underscores the urgency for a holistic approach to talent management.

The strategic management of human capital has risen to paramount importance in achieving organizational success, particularly with the advent of transformative technologies like AI, which enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of workforce data analysis. In the AI era, analyzing workforce data has evolved beyond being a mere trend; it is now an integral component of daily operations, providing HR and company leaders with the capability to swiftly assess vast amounts of data for informed decision-making.

A compelling illustration of this transformation is the convergence of sentiment analysis and skills analysis, offering unprecedented insights into workforce dynamics.

From Unheard to Empowered

Effectively addressing the challenge of unheard employees involves a strategic and comprehensive approach. Integrating advanced sentiment analysis provides organizations with real-time insights into the emotions, concerns, and satisfaction levels of their workforce. This proactive method enables leaders to foster an inclusive environment, promote open communication, and address concerns before they escalate.

By leveraging AI-powered sentiment analysis, organizations not only detect patterns and sentiments but also understand the underlying issues, allowing for targeted interventions that shift the organizational culture toward inclusivity and adaptability. This strategic use of sentiment analysis not only improves the immediate work environment but also anticipates and addresses future challenges, creating a resilient and empowered workforce.

Beyond Sentiments to Skills

Knowing your employees’ sentiments is crucial, but for a comprehensive understanding of the workforce, organizations must delve deeper into their skills, competencies, and aspirations. Identifying skill gaps allows organizations to provide personalized learning recommendations, addressing specific weaknesses and enhancing overall proficiency. Understanding teams’ strengths and weaknesses enables targeted upskilling and restructuring initiatives, optimizing team performance and cohesion.

EDLIGO Talent Analytics AI-Powered Platform

 Moreover, having insights into the skills essential for project success empowers organizations to strategically allocate resources, ensuring projects are staffed with the right expertise for optimal outcomes. This multifaceted approach not only addresses current challenges but also positions organizations to proactively navigate future workforce dynamics.

The Synergy of Sentiment and Skills

The integration of sentiment and skills analysis creates a comprehensive understanding of the workforce, going beyond addressing emotional well-being to identify correlations between sentiments and performance. This approach facilitates tailored talent management strategies, nurturing employee satisfaction while aligning individual skills with organizational goals.

Imagine a dynamic dashboard that provides a holistic view of your workforce, enabling organizations to not only comprehend their current state but also forecast and shape the future. In this era of talent intelligence, the synergy between sentiment and skills analysis empowers organizations to proactively plan for skill development, anticipate shifts in employee engagement, and strategically position themselves for the evolving workplace landscape. This integrative approach ensures organizations not only respond to the present but also prepare for future challenges and opportunities, fostering a workplace culture that values both the emotional well-being and professional growth of its employees.

From Data to Decisions: Navigating the Future of Work

As organizations navigate the complexities of the future of work, the integration of sentiment and skills analysis becomes more than a choice—it evolves into a strategic imperative. This transformative approach addresses the challenge of unheard employees while harnessing the unique skills of each individual, fostering a workplace characterized by unlocked potential, heightened morale, and soaring productivity.

In response to this imperative shift in talent management, EDLIGO and Luminoso, industry leaders in talent management and experience management respectively, join forces in a strategic alliance.

Luminoso Technologies, with over a decade of expertise in AI-powered text analytics, transforms complex text data into actionable insights. Originating from the MIT Media Lab, Luminoso is dedicated to enhancing and fast-tracking decision-making by deciphering customer and employee sentiments.

Luminoso Technologies, with over a decade of expertise in AI-powered text analytics, transforms complex text data into actionable insights. Originating from the MIT Media Lab, Luminoso is dedicated to enhancing and fast-tracking decision-making by deciphering customer and employee sentiments.

On the other front, EDLIGO GmbH, a leader in AI-powered Talent Analytics, provides a comprehensive solution for data-driven talent management, recognized globally for innovation and impact. With a strong track record, EDLIGO empowers organizations in over twenty countries with a platform serving more than 2 million users and backed by 17 patents. In 2023, EDLIGO was acknowledged as one of Germany’s top three most innovative mid-sized software companies.


The collaborative force of EDLIGO’s advanced Talent Analytics and Luminoso’s natural language understanding expertise captures the workforce’s pulse, propelling talent management to new heights through the synergy of data analytics and sentiment insights.

Contact us to discover more about how this collaboration works!

Effective Project Staffing Strategies for Professional Services Organizations

Effective Project Staffing Strategies for Professional Services Organizations

The Consulting and Business Services industry is experiencing a slowdown in revenue growth, with predictions indicating a further decline. Despite this, there is an increasing expenditure per employee (source: Statista). This shift underscores the importance for organizations to strategically optimize their workforce and streamline work organization in response to the evolving economic landscape.

Consulting and Business Services industry is experiencing a slowdown in revenue growth
Increase of expenditure per employee

In today’s dynamic business landscape, organizations recognize the urgent need for robust workforce planning, executive transitions, and project staffing. Deloitte’s 2024 Global Human Capital Trends survey reveals that 74% of respondents consider it crucial to explore improved methods of measuring employee value and performance beyond traditional productivity. However, the pace of change in this realm has been slow, with only 17% indicating that their organizations effectively evaluate individual employee value.

Gartner’s top HR priorities 2024 report signals a shift in HR concerns, with 75% expressing worries about managers being overwhelmed by expanding job responsibilities, impacting efficiency.
This context highlights the significant challenges organizations face in talent management, leadership development, and strategic workforce planning. The intricacies of today’s business environment, marked by market volatility and evolving skill demands, necessitate innovative and data-driven approaches to talent management.

As client expectations evolve and market dynamics become more unpredictable, organizations are compelled to cultivate robust talent management strategies. In this article, we delve into the current professional services landscape, emphasizing the critical need for talent management and effective project staffing.

The Landscape of Professional Services Today

The professional services sector is undergoing significant transformations, marked by increasing client demand and market volatility. Organizations proficient in delivering a mix of services face the challenge of optimizing new pricing options and measuring outcomes like profitability, requiring innovative technology approaches. The hurdle lies in their existing internal systems, primarily designed for straightforward customer project delivery processes. A common deficiency is the absence of a unified view encompassing all services, individual client needs, and the people working with these clients.

Achieving this demands accurate data integration, enabling critical capabilities such as process automation, predictive analytics, and forward-looking talent management. By adopting a people-centric and skills-based approaches and strategically rethinking their digital foundation, organizations can usher in new business models, attracting customers and fostering revenue growth. This shift also shapes a workplace culture aligned with current priorities, emphasizing simplified work experiences, increased productivity, efficient processes, collaborative interactions, and impactful business contributions.

To thrive in this environment, organizations must adapt their project staffing approaches. The traditional methods no longer suffice, necessitating a closer look at talent management strategies that align with the dynamic nature of modern projects. The rise of automation and AI is reshaping the way organizations attract and retain talent.

Key Components of Effective Project Staffing

In the realm of effective project staffing, the landscape is undergoing a transformative shift, emphasizing strategic alignment, operational excellence, talent potential discovery, and profit margin enhancement. Navigating this change requires a nuanced understanding of key components that contribute to successful talent management in professional services:

1. Conducting Skills Assessment:

In the realm of effective project staffing, skill assessment is a critical component, ensuring a strategic alignment of talent with project needs. This involves identifying and evaluating both technical and soft skills of potential team members. The process also considers the need for additional training, supporting team members in acquiring new skills essential for the project. Emphasizing experience and domain expertise, this holistic approach ensures the team possesses the necessary knowledge to tackle project challenges, fostering operational excellence and success.

2. Evaluating Resource Availability:

This involves a comprehensive evaluation of team members’ time commitments and consideration of their existing workloads, along with an assessment of their capacity to take on additional tasks. The process is further streamlined by clearly defining roles and responsibilities for each team member, ensuring a structured and efficient allocation of resources within the project team.

3. Defining Project Scope and Objectives:

Defining the project scope and objectives clearly is critical for effective project staffing. This clarity ensures staffing decisions are directly aligned with the project’s specific needs and goals. By matching team members’ skills and expertise with the project’s requirements, managers establish a focused and efficient team poised to meet the project’s objectives. This strategic alignment facilitates a purpose-driven approach to project execution, enhancing the potential for success.

4. Organizing Resource Allocation:

Efficient allocation involves a delicate balance, distributing workloads among team members to prevent overloading while averting understaffing in critical tasks. This strategic approach requires careful alignment of staffing decisions with the project timeline, ensuring that the team’s capabilities match the project’s evolving needs. Equally important is securing commitments from team members for the required duration of the project, minimizing the risk of disruptions due to unexpected departures.

5. Conducting Risk Management:

The initial step involves a thorough identification of potential risks associated with the chosen team composition. By anticipating challenges related to skills, availability, or unforeseen circumstances, project managers can proactively address vulnerabilities. A crucial facet of this process is the development of contingency plans, strategically crafted to mitigate risks and ensure project continuity in the face of unexpected developments.

6. Monitoring Performance:

Establishing robust mechanisms to monitor the performance of team members is crucial, providing insights into individual and collective contributions. Regular feedback loops are integral, offering constructive insights that support continuous improvement within the team. Beyond individual assessments, periodic evaluations of the overall effectiveness of the project team are essential, ensuring alignment with project goals. Project managers must maintain a proactive stance, being willing to make adjustments to staffing, when necessary, based on evolving project progress and unforeseen changes.

EDLIGO‘s Project Staffing module provides organizations with the ability to rapidly pinpoint suitable candidates through customizable criteria and AI-powered search functionalities. The Project Planning Assistant enables managers to assemble ideal project teams by specifying roles, locations, durations, and required competencies. An advanced scoring system aids in identifying the most appropriate employees for specific roles, thereby facilitating seamless cyclical planning and workforce optimization.

Watch Project Staffing Demo here

Furthermore, EDLIGO offers a robust framework for assessing and monitoring project health and associated risks, employing key metrics such as competencies, satisfaction levels, engagement rates, and potential flight risks. This holistic view allows for a nuanced comparison of performance and risks, empowering organizations to make informed decisions and adjustments proactively.

Pioneering Talent Management Excellence

In the ever-evolving landscape of professional services, organizations face a strategic imperative—mastering effective talent management and staffing. The shift towards skills-based and data-driven approaches is essential for organizational agility and meeting dynamic client expectations.

However, the implementation of skills-based talent management introduces unique challenges, as highlighted by Gartner’s insights, including managerial overwhelm and perceived leadership unreadiness. A profound understanding of these obstacles is crucial for organizations seeking to revolutionize their talent management and excel in the dynamic professional services arena.

To surmount these challenges, organizations are turning to cutting-edge solutions powered by advanced analytics and AI-driven insights. These technologies revolutionize talent management by furnishing actionable data, refining workforce planning, and optimizing project staffing strategies. In embracing these innovations, organizations position themselves at the forefront of talent management excellence, ready to thrive in the face of industry evolution.

Navigating the evolving landscape of talent management necessitates a deep understanding of the critical elements that drive success in professional services. In this context, EDLIGO emerges as a transformative solution, leveraging AI and advanced analytics to assist organizations throughout the entire process—from assessment and staffing to the monitoring of project health. This innovative approach ensures organizational agility, enhances efficiency, and secures long-term success amidst the fluctuating dynamics of the marketplace.

Effective project staffing is no longer just a necessity but a strategic differentiator for professional services organizations. The current landscape necessitates a departure from traditional approaches, urging organizations to embrace innovative talent management strategies. By emphasizing advanced analytics and focusing on key components such as strategic alignment, operational excellence, hidden talent potential, and profit margin enhancement, organizations can position themselves for success in the face of a rapidly evolving industry.

EDLIGO‘s dynamic and integrated approach further supports these efforts, offering efficient solutions for talent acquisition and workforce planning. In navigating the complexities of the professional services sector, the integration of cutting-edge technologies and strategic talent management practices becomes paramount, ensuring agility, efficiency, and sustained success amidst dynamic shifts in the market.

EDLIGO Project Planning Assistant Talent Analytics


Operational Excellence in Consulting and Professional Services Organizations

Empower your organization, download this free guide on Talent Transformation, leading the way to operational excellence in consulting and professional services organizations

EDLIGO Talent Analytics Wins GOLD in Brandon Hall Group’s Excellence in Technology Awards 2023

EDLIGO Talent Analytics Wins GOLD in Brandon Hall Group’s Excellence in Technology Awards 2023

The 2023 Brandon Hall Group Excellence in Awards™ are given for work in Learning and Development, Talent Management, Talent Acquisition, Human Resources, Sales Enablement, Future of Work, and Education Technology.

EDLIGO, a leader in innovative AI-Powered Talent Analytics, won a coveted Brandon Hall Group Gold award for excellence in the Talent Management for Best Advance in Talent Management Measurement/Business Impact Tools category.

EDLIGO ‘s win was announced on December 7, 2023. The winners are listed at

EDLIGO’s achievement of the prestigious Gold award in the Talent Management category of the Brandon Hall Group Excellence in Technology Awards is a testament to our commitment to innovation, exceptional teamwork, and advancements in AI for Talent Management and Analytics. Through the seamless collaboration of our dedicated team, our customers, and our partners, EDLIGO continues to redefine the landscape of talent management with the integration of cutting-edge AI developments. This award, in this year’s edition with focus on measurement and business impact, solidifies our position as a leader in technological excellence, providing organizations with transformational solutions to make impactful data-driven decisions in talent management.

Winning the Gold award in the Talent Management category, our third recognition by the Brandon Hall Group Excellence in Technology Awards, is a tribute to the dedication and innovation spirit of the entire EDLIGO team, collaborating closely with our customers and partners. This achievement underscores our commitment to transforming talent management processes through the effective use of AI-powered analytics, embracing the new and emerging needs of a modern workplace, and ensuring organizations can make informed decisions, empower their workforce, and stay ahead in the ever-evolving landscape of the Future of Work.” – said Dr. Lassaad Essafi, CEO of EDLIGO.

In our 30th year, the Excellence in Technology Awards continue to showcase the best innovations in learning, talent management, talent acquisition, HR, workforce management, and sales enablement technologies. We are proud to receive applications from a diverse range of organizations globally, reflecting the ever-evolving landscape of technology solutions.” – said Brandon Hall Group Chief Operating Officer Rachel Cooke, leader of the Excellence Awards program.

Entries were evaluated by a panel of veteran, independent senior industry experts, Brandon Hall Group analysts, and executives based upon these criteria: fit the need, program design, functionality, innovation, and overall measurable benefits.

Our awards program is distinguished by the thorough evaluation process led by industry experts. Judges meticulously score each entry, and our executive leadership team at Brandon Hall Group reviews and validates the judging and scoring. The level of the award is solely determined by the number of points, ensuring a fair and unbiased recognition of excellence in technology,” said Brandon Hall Group Chief Executive Officer Mike Cooke.



EDLIGO Talent Analytics is an AI-powered frontrunner solution for data-driven talent management and workforce planning. It helps organizations make the right talent management decisions by leveraging the power of data and AI and provides precise measures of talent management’s impact on business success.

EDLIGO has a strong track record, with customers successfully using our platform in more than ten countries, with more than 2 million users, and with more than 15 patents filed. In 2023 EDLIGO was recognized as one of Germany’s 3 most Innovative mid-sized companies in software. EDLIGO offers an advanced AI-powered comprehensive Talent Analytics solution for data-driven talent management, workforce planning, competency management, employee experience management, ESG and DEI compliance.


About Brandon Hall Group

Brandon Hall Group is the only professional development company that offers data, research, insights, and certification to Learning and Talent executives and organizations. The best minds in Human Capital Management (HCM) choose Brandon Hall Group to help them create future-proof employee development plans for the new era.

For over 30 years, we have empowered, recognized, and certified excellence in organizations worldwide, influencing the development of over 10 million employees and executives. Our HCM Excellence Awards program was the first to recognize organizations for learning and talent and is the gold standard, known as the “Academy Awards of Human Capital Management.”

The awards recognize the best organizations that have successfully developed and deployed programs, strategies, modalities, processes, systems, and tools that have achieved measurable results. We are honored to receive applications from organizations worldwide ranging from small, medium, large, and global enterprises to government, not-for-profits, and associations.

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